And often we can make sense out of complex information by creating a visual of it.
Gender Communication is often experienced personally, but discussed verbally. What would happen if you could be on the outside looking in? If you could watch how men and women really do communicate and see for yourselves how it looks.
At an earlier seminar where this method of demonstrating Gender Communication was trialled, we were amazed to have one of the audience come running up to us later crying "That was me!!! I heard myself and then I saw myself!!! Now I understand what my wife means when she accuses me of switching off!!"
He had recognised himself by watching a short scenario depicting the way that men and women can actually communicate. One where all the stereotypes were played out in the open; and then how we can come to an understanding that we do not necessarily mean the same thing even though we use the same words.
It is the visual role-playing that makes the GenderGuru's Project - Talking Together so unique.
And why is it so Important?
Business today is well aware of the importance of good communication. Corporations understand that misunderstandings can lead to loss of time, loss of money and loss of credibility. Many of them undertake special communication training for their staff to help improve the communication process.
But what about the elephant in the room? The misunderstanding caused by the different ways men and women interpret information? The assumptions we make about what was meant, about how it was received and which are so often wide of the mark?
This communication breakdown often flies under the radar!! Because it is contentious it can be quickly brushed aside with the pretence it doesn't matter. Unfortunately it does - and ignoring it can cause just as many problems as ignoring the recognised communication process.
If both genders could get together and talk out these problems; could learn to recognise when things might be going wrong and could understand the simple steps of clarification and when to change - can you imagine how powerful that would be?
You cannot change your gender - but you can change your communication style
As a company, this project is an investment that will return you an ongoing benefit with the improved communication between your staff which impacts not only on your profitability, but also on the relationships within your work force.
And as an individual, learning that there are two styles of communication; both of which are valid depending on the circumstances will give you an edge in interpreting communication within your workplace; for any leadership style as well as avoiding triggers that could indicate problems in relationships.
And as an individual, learning that there are two styles of communication; both of which are valid depending on the circumstances will give you an edge in interpreting communication within your workplace; for any leadership style as well as avoiding triggers that could indicate problems in relationships.
So watch out for the Join the GenderGurus near you
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Talking Together - about Gender Communication